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Website | Dr. André Figueirêdo

1. The project

Dr. André Figueirêdo is a Brazilian psychiatrist living in Canada and sees Brazilian patients through online consultations, following all Brazilian telemedicine regulations.


Furthermore, for non-Brazilian patients, he offers a differentiated service: Virtual Mental Health, a mental health follow-up that combines his knowledge in psychiatry, yoga and trauma.

2. The problem

Its original website, created in 2023, needed to be rebuilt to meet an essential need: to make clear the differentiation of services offered to Brazilians and English speakers, without compromising the user experience.

3. The challenge

Create a bilingual website with a unified layout, but with storytelling adapted for each audience, ensuring clarity and connection with different patient profiles.

Cover of Dr. André Figueirêdo's website

4. Main improvements

Redesigned "About Me" section → Reduction of the introductory text, which was previously very long, and inclusion of a brief and direct explanation about the services for Brazilians and English speakers.

Dr. André website layout before
Dr. André website layout now

Initial text reduction

Brief explanation of services

Restructured services section → Change of layout more adapted to the identity and order of services changes between the Portuguese and English websites for a better user experience.

Dr. André website layout before

Different order of services in the English and Portuguese versions of the website.

Dr. André website layout now
Dr. André website layout now

Clear explanation of services → Reformulation of sections on the consultation process and how the psychiatrist can help, with more objective texts and an optimized layout focusing on explaining how online consultations take place.

Dr. André website layout before
Dr. André website layout now

Reduced text, changed narrative and optimized layout.

Strategic Call to Action → Inclusion of a CTA at the end to encourage contact.

Call to Action - Dr. André website

Restructured footer → New layout and contacts adjusted according to the website version.

Dr. André website footer before

New layout and updated information.

Dr. André website footer now

Visit the website :)

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